To-do List

As someone who is constantly making lists, ( and enjoying crossing things off them when finished! ) here’s my list of things I want to do over the years. It might be short and sweet here, but really, it’s a never-ending list of new adventures!

  1. Start and finish a 365 day photography project.
  2. Become yoga certified
  3. Travel around Europe
  4. Travel to Australia and New Zealand
  5. See the Great Barrier Reef
  6. Tour Italy (October 2012)
  7. See a movie at an outdoor movie theater
  8. Learn to salsa dance (2009)
  9. Have a sample of my photography published in  a book/magazine
  10. Go sailing
  11. Go to a laughter yoga session
  12. Go on a yoga retreat
  13. Whitewater rafting (June 11-13, 2010 , Nantahala River) ( June 10 -12, 2011, Broad River)
  14. Skydiving
  15. Run a 5k race (September 25, 2010 and June 9, 2012)
  16. Run a  half marathon ( May 19, 2013)
  17. Get married
  18. Have children
  19. Cross country road-trip
  20. Take a spontaneous road trip with a friend (Charleston, SC Feb 2011)
  21. Ride in a hot air balloon
  22. Take a helicopter tour (Maui, 2007)
  23. Volunteer abroad (Queretaro, Mexico March 2006)
  24. Visit NYC
  25. See at least one Broadway show in NYC
  26. Watch a Cirque de Soleil show
  27. Learn how to Tango
  28. start a school
  29. go on an African safari
  30. Visit Mauritius
  31. Para-sailing
  32. Live in a foreign country for 1 month minimum
  33. Travel all 50 states (22 as of August 2011)

Of course this isn’t the end of the list. I’m sure to add more adventures and possibilities as I check each off these off!

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